This you?


𓇗 You know you are creative and you *want* to create more. With the demands of work and life, it can feel like you’re more prolific in your mind than in your output.

𓇗 Your genius ideas live on scrap notes. Catch-all journals? You know them well. When it comes down to it, you have a dozen half-formed projects floating around… somewhere that feels like the void.

𓇗 You journal and write, it’s true, and you circle around the same themes throughout… But you’re left wondering how to turn your work into a collection.


You’re in the right place :)

Below you’ll find two indispensable resources on starting or deepening in introspective writing practices. Included with your purchase until May 14th, 2024 is a spot in Crafting Your Body of Work.


1) The Harvesting Guide

A digital guide that walks you through, step-by-step, how to have a harvesting practice: a methodical exploration of your experiences and insights through writing.

A harvesting practice guides you to get out of your own way.

A harvesting practice gives you the time to remember your wisdom, craft the declarations you most want to remember, and synchronize with the rhythm of your own being.

A harvesting practice is one powerful way to turn raw insight into tangible writing projects (and it’s great to do when you don’t feel like writing).

Through harvesting, you craft a repository of your own wisdom.


2) Finally Face the Page

If you want to explore writing as a place of more creative power and less shrinking, more lighthearted fun and less self-criticism, more liberating self-expression and less self-doubt... this workshop is for you. Over 2 hours of guidance and prompts presented in three parts…

Part 1: The Art of Noticing

Part 2: Meeting the Stuck Places

Part 3: Honoring the Deepest Self

Writing can be daunting, tedious, confronting, and downright unpleasant… and there are still more reasons to write. In Part one, you’ll get familiar with your desires to fill pages with words.

You’ll learn ways to notice and work with a common block to creating: preciousness. Preciousness around writing at the ‘right’ time, having enough time, being in the ‘right’ mood, and even evaluating what is created (“is it any good?” and “who even cares???”).

You’ll learn practices to begin writing (or anything that you want to do!), especially when you’ve been stuck in all-or-nothing thinking that has led to some pretty advanced avoidance.

Instead of fixing and managing resistance, avoidance, overwhelm, a yappy inner critic, there’s a simpler way: engaging with what’s difficult in gentle ways. In Part 2, you’ll learn that the stuck places you face are truly workable, even if they include difficult and entrenched patterns. Through the help of gentle prompts, we’ll build a habituation of curiosity and inquiry together. For every ounce of attention and effort that you put into engaging with what is tender and frustrating, the gifts writing will give back to you ten-fold.

Writing supports you to inhabit your own energy—a true sense of your youness—and attune to a felt-sense of wholeness. In Part 3, you’ll learn practices for tuning into the deeper part of yourself instead of following the ego’s well-formed tendencies. In doing so, you are “breaking the spell of the old mastery,’’ in the words of DH Lawrence.

You’ll explore pathways for making different choices that bring new possibilities, with inspiration from Maya Angelou’s words: “We need to remember that we are created creative and can invent new scenarios as frequently as they are needed”.

Included with your purchase until May 14th, 2024:


A live workshop on setting up a house for your writing using a free software called Obsidian (also known as my favorite software ever, ever) so that you can leverage the pages you've already filled into your own anthology

Building systems, especially when it involves software, can be a headache. One of the intentions of this workshop is to demonstrate that ~you don't need to figure it out alone~. We're in this together.


Wednesday, May 15th 7:00pm EST


The first five people to register will receive a PDF of creative writing and reflective writing prompts.

Whenever you need to get your creative juices flowing, refer to this.

Whenever you want to spice up your creative process, pull a prompt like a wild card.

Whenever you want a perspective shift, yes you guessed it—open this up and see what happens.

(and let me know how it goes!)


What people are saying about Regarding Dew workshops:

“This experience was definitely fun... really moving as well. Met some beautiful and very creative people. Thank you for this!”


"Absolutely loved her facilitation style.”

“It was very relaxing and so engaging in equal measure.”


“I’m taking away a great reminder to HAVE FUN while writing”


“The gentle way of Maggy personality along with her soft approach to writing gave me an hour of peaceful creativity along with so many words on the page. It took me on a journey of gentle surprise and release from an internal place.”


“I loved the prompts, they helped me let loose and write freely.”

“This was so empowering and healing and connecting”


Until May 14th, either purchase gives you a spot in Regarding Dew’s next workshop:

By the end of the workshop, you'll have a customizable digital workspace using a free note-taking software where you can seamlessly craft and organize all of your writing.

Wednesday, May 15th 7:00pm EST


Interested but would rather do this 1:1? Fill this out!

  • Will this be recorded if I can’t make it live?

    At this time, Regarding Dew workshops are only live. This might change in future iterations, but for now, it will not be recorded beyond our collective sharing of the present moment (and whatever notes you want to take!) just like life offline.

    Who will be there?

    Open, caring, real, funny, reserved, outgoing people from all over wit all different relationships to their creativity and writing.

    Are there breakout rooms?


    What if I’m not a writer?

    This isn’t just for ‘writers’. If you journal, this is the perfect workshop for you. The same goes for if you want to write and journal, but don’t currently.

    I’m not sure if I want to use Obsidian, I’ve never heard of it before…

    This workshop is focused on setting up Obsidian on your computer as a hub of your writing. The best way to know if it will work for you is to try it out.

In signing up for any Regarding Dew workshop, you agree to the Conditions of Gathering and Terms and Conditions.